Broadleaf plantain has a low growth habit that keeps it under the radar and under mower blades and its tolerance for heavy foot traffic and compacted soil means that it quickly colonizes in any lawn that sees a lot of hard family use. Plantain River a tributary of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in LÎle-dAnticosti Quebec Canada. Fried Ripe Plantains Recipe Recipe Plantain Recipes Plantains Fried Ripe Plantain Plantains are a low fat source of starchy carbohydrates and fiber. . Plantain contains a compound known as allantoin that promotes the growth of healthy tissue and has soothing anti-irritating and healing properties. It is native to Europe and parts of Asia but was said to have been introduced to North America when the settlers came from Europe. Many traditional recipes require frying of the plantains. Its high in mucilage and a number of inflammation-modulating compounds Adom et al 2017 which give it. Highest growth rates...